How do I contact Muellners Foundation for unsolicited enquiries, if I am a non member of the network?
All of the human interaction with Foundation’s AI network is designed to be electronic.
Foundation is a private Trust and does not owe any obligation to respond to unsolicited enquiries. Therefore, the only legal basis for a general public member to receive response from Foundation and its affiliate entities, is by activating a data residency and becoming a member.
Of course, you can always scan through Foundation’s public resources to understand more about Muellners Foundation trust.
How do I contact Muellners Foundation, if am a new member of the network and need support?
After becoming an E Resident, you can always contact the Foundation by logging into network’s Governance Portal and creating your support case summary.
It is suggested to read community wiki first. Most issues get resolved by reading Forum articles.
You can also speak to the virtual assistant – Sentient Bot AI to seek support for your queries.
How do I contact Open Council, if I am a new member requesting escalation of my grievance?
After becoming an E Resident, you can always contact the Open Council directly by logging into network’s Governance Portal and reaching out to them. You must log a ticket with specific case summary at the community Governance portal.
You can also use the virtual assistant – Sentient Bot AI to seek support for your grievance e.g. escalation of ticket.
Most tickets are handled through automated services, but if your request of grievance redressal is escalated to a human member, you get an official response from the Open Council.
How do I contact Muellners Foundation if I represent a Public agency, instituted by a Public Act?
If you are a representative, an officer or a clerk of a public agency, instituted by a Public Act, please use the Self Service to register any information disclosure request, by creating a ticket at the Governance Portal.
Any other public agency correspondences (directly received by any affiliated entities of the Trust e.g. registrations, compliance duties etc.) are generally posted in Trust’s public facing records after an independent audit of the Trust is declared.